Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The next nine months

Stacy had a great first pregnancy with Trevor so we were not even worried about this one. Everyday it seemed liked she got bigger and bigger, which she should since she was carrying three babies. Afeter a few months went by, it came time to find out what we were having. We went over all the possibilities we could have, 3 girls, 3 boys, 2 boys 1 girl, 2 girls 1 boy. We always wanted the all American family with one boy and one girl, but that went out the door when we heard we were having triplets. We were hoping to have 1 boy and 2 girls so we could have 2 of each. Well the day came and the verdict was 3 BOYS. We were going to have 4 BOYS. I was going to carry on the Dolan name four times! We were a little disappointed, but were going to have more kids and we had been trying for a couple of years, so the disappointment went out the door. The things that went through my head when I found out we were having three more boys were almost got my starting five basketball players and oh no, I wont even get to play golf in my own foursome for fathers day. Stacy got to work all the way up to 1/18/08. Then she was put on bed rest. After a while, we went into see our doctor and the next thing you Stacy was on strict bed rest in the hospital. This lasted a week or so and she got to come home on bed rest. This happened a few times over the next month . We didn't know how we were going to make it to May 10, 2008, which was the due date. We knew that carring triplets, we wouldn't make it that far, but was hoping to carry them in to at least late March or mid April.

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