Tuesday, September 29, 2009

August 2009: Triplet Play Date

Three sets of triplets at the park.

Brady climbing the stairs.

Riley and Chase on the slide.

Riley having fun on the play structure.

Chase taking a rest.

August 2009: Almaden Park

Trevor showing off his climbing skills.

Chase on the swings.,

Riley on the swings.

Trevor on the swings.

Brady and his cousin.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

July 2009: New Toys

Mom pulling the boys in their new wagon, limo style.

Chase and Riley fighting already over whose going to drive.

Brady just chilling in the back of the car.

Brady doing his Bo Duke impression, but coming out the front window.

July 2009: Almaden Music in the park

July 2009: Having a BALL

Boys playing with their balls.

July 2009: Corn on the cob

Brady loving his corn on the cob

Riley on his second piece

Chase eating the cob too.

Trying something new and loving it.

Snack and juice time while watching a little Barney.

July 2009: Trevor's new pet

New family member Cocoa.

Trevor playing with his pet.

July 2009: Trevor fishing

Trevor just found out his fish wasn't the biggest.

Trevor's fish.

Cant wait to go fishing.

July 2009: Santa Cruz Boardwalk

Caleb and Trevor having a blast!


Mom and the Dolan boys.

Caleb saying, "Its time to make the donuts".

July 2009: Evergreen music in the park

Trevor giving Christopher a ride.

Trevor and his newest cousin Zack

Caleb cruising through town.

Matthias trying his wrestling moves on Trevor.

July 2009: Evergreen Music in the Park

Trevor with Matthias and Christopher

Future babysitters Jessica and Ally

Boys trying to figure out how to get into this big bathtub.

Loving cousins.


July 2009

Caleb feeding the babies.

Chase, riley and Trevor

Dad trying to watch golf.

The Dolan Boys