Friday, November 7, 2008

Lunch Time!!!

Brady licking his chops!!

Man, I am so hungry, I could ate my fingers.

I ate so much, I am ready for a nap.

Only a face a mother could love.

Big brother Trevor

Trevor getting a hug from Riley

Trevor wake up, I want to play!!!

Riley taking a bath with Trevor

Cheese! Brotherly love!!!

Mom and Dad costume party, Mr & Mrs Captain & Coke

Nana's recent visit

Riley trying to crawl over Dad.

Brady getting ready to fall asleep.

Riley, I am not to far behind you.

Chase you cant catch me! Ha Ha

Nana taking the boys for a walk around the block.

Dolan boys in action

Showing off there Dolan/Smith Butts

Learning their A,B,C's

Chase checking for Riley's cup.

Chase in the jumper.

Riley showing off by crawling.

Trevor and Riley
Nana and Trevor

Triplet boys watching their movie.

Brady in his jumper.

The boys weight

Well we went to the doctor's office yesterday and the boys were weighed. They are now a little over 8 months old. Guess who weighs the most? Come on guess? Thats right Brady, who at birth was the smallest at 3 lbs., now weighs 19 lbs 6 ounces, followed by Chase at 19 lbs. 1 ounch, and the heaviest at birth Riley is at 18 lbs 6 ounces.